Following completion of a comprehensive training in family and divorce mediation this past fall, Attorney Jessica L. Ecker is now accepting private mediation cases for people who wish to resolve their divorce or parenting disputes in an amicable, economical way. With a mix of practice in contested litigation and collaborative law, Attorney Ecker is able to assist parties in coming to their own resolutions, which often can help to reduce the level of acrimony. Contact Kristen Osborne, Family Law Paralegal, for more information on mediation services, or other Family Law issues.
Justin Pasay Affiliates with Military Pro Bono and Operation Stand-By
Attorney Justin Pasay recently affiliated with the American Bar Association’s Military Pro Bono Project and Operation Stand-By. The Military Pro Bono project aligns individual service members who have legal issues with local civilian attorneys that practice in the relevant area of law. Operation Stand-By is a program whereby active duty military attorneys can seek attorney-to-attorney advice from a civilian attorney in a specific area of law. Attorney Pasay looks forward to continually growing his practice to serve the needs of all military personnel and their families, active duty, reserve, and veterans alike.
Chris & Carolyn Boldt Perform with Sandwich Singers
Attorney Chris Boldt and his wife Carolyn will perform with the Sandwich Singers at two Christmas concerts this year: Sunday December 16 at the Methodist Meeting House in Center Sandwich and Wednesday December 19 at the Tamworth Congregational Church. Both concerts will be at 7:30 p.m. and are free, though contributions are gratefully accepted.
The Singers are co-directed by Peggy Johnson and Allan DiBiase, who have been doing so for the past twelve years. The group has existed primarily for Christmas music for well over thirty years, since being formed by local legend, Bob Bates. This year’s program includes music from American and European traditions, and a commission based on a Celtic tune, the Welsh Gower Wassail.
Johnson is music director at the Melvin Village Community Church. She was co-director of the Singers with Bates for several years before his death, and was a singer in the group before that. She also works at the Cook Memorial Library in Tamworth, writes and paints.
DiBiase has worked at Franklin Pierce College and Plymouth State University, both as an associate professor of philosophy, whose special interest is the philosophy of education, and as an accompanist to others working in the music department. He is an avid hiker and photographer, well known for holding his classes along local trails.
Both of the directors are associated with the Yeoman’s Fund for the Arts, which has commissioned the Gower Wassail. In many areas of old Britain, it was the custom in rural districts to sing the Wassail song outside the homes of neighbors. The custom is probably Saxon, as “Wassail” would seem to be a contraction of “wes” (be) and “hal,” (whole), therefore “be well.” The newly commissioned Gower Wassail is based on a song that the singer Phil Tanner learned from his father and grandfather, both weavers. Diddling, or “lilting” seems to have been a Celtic custom. When there were no instrumentalists available, a person who could “diddle”, or make “mouth music” could substitute and “play” the dance. Tanner said he learned to do this when a fiddler died and left no one to play his songs, which Tanner had memorized. You can hear the excellent Phil Tanner recording of the Gower Wassail on YouTube. Prior to Tanner making the recording the tune had not been written down in music notation.
The seven verse setting of the Gower Wassail commissioned for the Sandwich Singers by the Yeoman’s Fund for the Arts was coordinated by head composer Jonathan Santore, Chair of the Plymouth State University Department of Music, Theatre and Dance. Hannah Chambers, Brad Dumont, Kyle Quirion, and Eben Brown, all students in Dr. Santore’s advanced music composition class have contributed verses to the piece. The commissions began years ago as unison descants to traditional holiday carols. But gradually over the years more ambitious projects have been created. The Gower Wassail is written for mixed chorus, children’s chorus, French horn, soprano sax and piano. The hornist is Ron Wold of Wonalancet, the saxophonist is Kyle Quirion. The children are students at K.A. Brett in Tamworth and Sandwich Central School. For more information, please go to
Pease Greeters Don’t Take Holidays
Lisa Hayes, Administrative Assistant at DTC, and her family spent part of Thanksgiving Day greeting and thanking troops at Pease. The Pease Greeters welcome troops passing through Pease International Airport on their way to, or from, Afghanistan or Iraq, or any other areas of conflict in any part of the world. The Pease Greeters also provide care packages to the Troops during their “down time” at Pease. Supplies to assemble care packages for the Troops are running low. If you would like to contribute to the Pease Greeters, DTC is serving as a drop off spot. Click here for a list of items For more information on the Pease Greeters or to make a cash donation visit
Exeter Lions Club Holiday Happenings
Karen Baillargeon, Paralegal at DTC, is an active member and Treasurer of The Exeter Lions Club, serving the towns of Exeter, Brentwood, East Kingston, Kensington, Newfields and Stratham. The Lions Club are sponsoring several events this Holiday season. The Lions Club has partnered with Rockingham Nutrition Meals on Wheels progam to purchase gifts and everyday items for 10 seniors. The packages will be assembled at DTC’s office on December 6. On December 15, the Lions will be distributing 60 food baskets to individuals through-out the area. Finally, the Lions Club is selling raffle tickets for a $500 gas card. The drawing will take place December 15. Watch for the Lions Club float at the Exeter Holiday Parade on December 1!! For more information on the Exeter Lions Club go to
Attorney Boldt to Present at Local Government Center Conference on Local Government Computers and the Right to Know Law
Attorney Chris Boldt will lead a panel presentation with Attorney Dan Crean of the Crean Law Office and Attorney Andrew Livernois of Ransmeier & Spellman at the LGC’s 71st Annual Conference being held at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH on Wednesday, November 14th. This session is intended to offer practical guidance to municipal officials and attorneys on using electronic data and communications while complying with the NH Right to Know Law (RSA 91-A). This presentation is hosted by the Municipal and Governmental Section of the NH Bar Association, of which Chris is Chair. For more information and on-line registration, please go to
DTC Lawyers Attend Rockingham County Bar Association CLE and Meeting
On October 16, 2012, the Rockingham Bar Association held its Fall Social Event, preceded by a two hour CLE video replay on Ethics. This event, held at the Rusty Hammer in Portsmouth, NH, was widely attended by attorneys and Judges across the county. Also present were some members of the Seacoast Collaborative Law Group, and Former Marital Master Phil Cross, who was honored by the RCBA for his years served as a marital master in Rockingham County.
Attorneys Denise Poulos, Michael Donahue, Rob Ciandella, Christopher Hilson, Nicholas Aeschliman, Beth MacDonald, and Jessica Ecker were present for the event. This was the first event organized during Jessica’s term as President of the Rockingham County Bar Association.
DTC Sponsors 1st Annual Powder Keg, Beer and Chili Festival
Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella, PLLC is proud to sponsor the 1st Annual Powder Keg, Beer and Chili Festival on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Festival will be held on the Swasey Parkway in Exeter, New Hampshire. Be sure to visit and taste the area’s best chili, brought to you by a number of restaurants throughout the seacoast region. You can also enjoy a pint of craft beer brought to you by some of the finest breweries in New England.
We look forward to seeing our clients and neighbors on the Parkway on the 20th. If you need tickets, please feel free to visit where admission tickets are $25.00 per person for drinkers and $5.00 per person for drivers. See you there!
NH NAELA to Sponsor Guardianship Over Incapacitated Adults Seminar
The New Hampshire Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys is sponsoring a seminar titled Administration of Guardianship Over Incapacitated Adults in New Hampshire on November 16th at the Radisson in Manchester, New Hampshire. For more information or registration, contact Joy Riddell at or 603-778-0686.
DTC Sponsors “The Woman in Black” at Seacoast Repertory Theatre, Oct. 5-28, 2012
DTC Lawyers is proud to sponsor the spine-tingling thriller playing this month at Seacoast Repertory Theatre in Portsmouth, NH. DTC attorneys Kate Miller and Douglas Mansfield began working with the Rep on some legal matters last year, and the relationship blossomed into sponsorship of the October 2012 show. “I always enjoy getting to see the work my clients do,” said Kate Miller. “I was really spooked at the premiere, and I recommend anyone looking for a good ghost story this fall to check out this show!” Click here to learn more about this show and Seacoast Rep’s other offerings.