DTC Sponsors Riverwoods 2012 Gala Auction

DTC is proud to support the Riverwoods 2012 Gala Auction to be held October 13 starting at 5:30. The Gala benefits Child & Family Services. In addition to chances to bid on some wonderful auction items, attendees will also enjoy wine pairings and gourmet delights. Mike Morin of WZID and Kevin Skarupa, WMUR Meteorologist will serve as celebrity auctioneers. Tickets for the Gala are still available, contact Penny Teodorczyk at 603-658-3031. For more information on Child & Family Services visit http://cfsnh.org/.

Attorney Chris Boldt to Entertain at Shakesperean Idol

On Saturday, October 20 at 7 p.m. contestants will gather at the Barnstormers Theater in Tamworth to compete for prizes in Shakespearean Idol, a fall benefit for Advice to the Players. Chris Boldt is joining other fun-loving thespians appearing in this reality talent competition where Shakespeare meets the musical madness of the 21st Century. For more info or tickets please visit Advice to the Players.

DTC Assists Gilman Park Trustees with Transfer of Park to Town of Exeter

DTC is proud to have assisted the Trustees of Gilman Park, a beautiful park bordered on three sides by the Exeter River, in their transfer of the property to the Town of Exeter. The story is a long one, and begins in 1892 when Daniel and Minnie Gilman deeded their property to five Trustees to hold it and maintain it as a park for Exeter residents, forever. For over a hundred years, a succession of Trustees did just that. When liability concerns, and a lack of liquid funds, forced the Trustees to consider alternatives to the Gilman’s trust, they turned to DTC partner Charlie Tucker. Working with associate Kate Miller, they guided the Trustees through a Town meeting vote in 2008, whereby the Town agreed to accept the property for a dollar, through negotiations with the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire, which now holds a conservation easement on the property, and through a successful cy pres petition in the Probate Court, to get permission from the Court to transfer the park to the Town. The closing occurred September 19, 2012, at DTC’s office on Water Street in Exeter, capped by Trustee Joanna Pellerin’s toast with sparkling wine to the Trustees, the Land Trust, the Town and DTC. “It was a really satisfying conclusion to a really long process,” said Attorney Kate Miller. “The Trustees achieved their goals, and the residents of Exeter will continue to have this beautiful park. I was proud to be part of it.” For further information on DTC’s work for charitable organizations, see our Charitable & Other Non-Profit Organizations Practice Group. For more on the Gilman Park Trustees’ story, see http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121009-NEWS-210090368.

Attorney Pasay Speaks at Exeter High School’s Constitution Day

On September 21, 2012, Attorney Justin Pasay had the opportunity to speak at his alma mater in conjunction with Exeter High School’s Constitution program.  This year’s essay contest enabled kids to confront a relevant legal issue of our times — the constitutionality of employers and/or school administrators searching private Facebook accounts.  Through spirited exchange, Attorney Pasay and several sophomores, juniors and seniors at EHS engaged the debate.  Click here to view the Seacoastonline article.

Attorney Chris Boldt to Speak at New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association Seminar

Attorney Chris Boldt has again been asked by the NH Land Surveyors Association to be one of its speakers for the NHLSA’s Case Studies Seminar on September 27, 2012 at the Conference Center at Lake Opechee Inn in Laconia, NH.  This year, Chris will speak on the impacts of his favorable decision in Brandt Development v. Somersworth and relevant case law concerning the recent legislative amendments to the variance criteria.  For a copy of the materials please visit our resources page.

Attorney Tucker to Facilitate Public Forum on Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Attorney Charles Tucker will facilitate a public forum on the proposed constitutional amendments that will appear on the November 6 ballot.  This forum, to be held September 19, at 7:00 a the Exeter Town Hall, is designed to educate voters about the meaning of each amendment and the implications for the residents of the state for approval or disapproval on election day.   The event is sponsored by the Social Justice Committee of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Exeter and Granite State Priorites.  The event is free, open to the public and audience participation is welcomed.

DTC Lawyers Attend Joint Estate Planning and Real Property Section Meeting

On August 8, 2012, four DTC attorneys joined numerous other members of the bar at the joint Estate Planning and Real Property Section meeting held at the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, NH.  Attorneys Chris Boldt, Jessica Ecker and Justin Pasay attended the meeting and Attorney Joy Riddell sat on the panel as a representative from the Estate Planning section.  The panel lead a lively discussion on a variety of “hot topics” in both real estate law and estate planning law which ranged from the new revisions to the SAFE Act (having to do with assistance to distressed homeowners) to transfers of real estate held in realty trusts, to questions about transfer taxes on real estate.  The attorneys at Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella, PLLC work hard to keep apprised of changes in the law so we can provide our clients with the best possible representation.  For more information on our Estate Planning or Real Estate Practice Groups

Nantucket Lightship, LV-112 Designated as National Treasure

Attorney Kate Miller and DTC client United States Lightship Museum founder Robert J. Mannino, Jr., celebrated the 4th of July on the deck of the Nantucket Lightship, LV-112, in Boston Harbor.  DTC donated its legal services to the new organization, which has succeeded in restoring the exterior of the ship and finding it a beautiful home at an East Boston Dock.  During the parade of tall ships in Boston, commemorating the War of 1812, Attorney Kate Miller and her family had the perfect vantage point: on the deck of the newly refurbished Nantucket Lightship, LV-112.

DTC is proud to congratulate its client, United States Lightship Museum and its founder, Robert J. Mannino, Jr., on designation of the Nantucket Lightship, LV-112, as a National Treasure by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  The ship is one of the first twenty five national treasures to be selected.  Already designated a national landmark by the U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service, the Nantucket Lightship was acquired by the not-for-profit United States Lightship Museum, formed with the assistance of DTC lawyers Kate Miller and Doug Mansfield.

Please refer to the United States Lightship Museum’s website for more information about the programs and the current initiatives restoring the interior of this beautiful and historic ship.

To read more about DTC’s representation of not-for-profit organizations, click here.

Jessica Ecker elected President of Rockingham County Bar Association


On May 30, 2012 at the Rockingham County Bar Association’s annual meeting at the Exeter Inn, Attorney Ecker was unanimously voted in as President of the Association for the 2012/2013 term.  Jessica has served on the Rockingham County Bar Association’s Board of Directors for the past four years, and has enjoyed working with the other board members and organizing events and conferences for Association members.  She is looking forward to a productive and enjoyable term as President.

DTC Attorneys Attend Rockingham County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting

 A number of attorneys from DTC attended the Rockingham County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting and social event at the Exeter Inn on May 30th.  Along with many other members of the county bar, Attorneys Michael Donahue, Lizabeth MacDonald, Robert Derosier, Christopher Hilson, Jessica Ecker, and Nicholas Aeschliman attended. 

Attendees were entertained by the induction of two new members of the “Loyal Order of the Rock” which is an award given by the County Bar Association to practitioners who live or work in Rockingham County and have done so in a professional and respected manner for a significant period of time.  Local solo practitioner Mae Bradshaw was roasted by her good friend Mark Tay, and Raymond Taylor, longtime clerk of the Rockingham County Courthouse was roasted by Judge McHugh. Our very own Charles Tucker was inducted into the Loyal Order of the Rock back in 2007.  Congratulations Mae and Ray for your contributions to the practice of law in Rockingham County, and also for your contributions as board members and officers of the Rockingham County Bar Association.