On June 8, 2012, the New Hampshire Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. (NAELA) is sponsoring a seminar titled “Adult Capacity, Guardianships and Ethical Issues in New Hampshire” at the Marriott Grappone Conference Center in Concord, New Hampshire. For more information or registration contact Joy Riddell at jriddell@dtclawyers.com or 603-778-0686.
Douglas Mansfield Admitted as Subscriber to the Portsmouth Athenaeum
Attorney Douglas Mansfield has been admitted as a subscriber to the Portsmouth Athenaeum. The Anthenaeum is a non-profit library and museum incorporated in 1817 and located in historic Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The mission of the Portsmouth Athenaeum is to promote and preserve the history of Portsmouth and the Piscataqua region as well as encourage the study and discourse on local history.
DTC Attends Fisher Cats Baseball Game
On Friday, May 18th, DTC employees, families and friends attended a Fisher Cats game. The game took place at the Northeast Delta Dental Stadium, which is located in Manchester, New Hampshire and home to the Fisher Cats Minor League Baseball Team.
The Fisher Cats played the Trenton Thunder and although the game ended in a disappointing 7-1 loss, fun was had by all. At the end of the game there was a fireworks display provided by Atlas Fireworks.
For more information on the Fisher Cats please visit their website: http://www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t463
DTC Lawyers Participate in “A Lawyer in Every School”
In recognition of Law Day 2012, Attorneys Kate Miller, Rob Ciandella and Chris Boldt collectively taught classes to several hundred students over the course of several days. This year’s theme was “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom”. “I find it humbling to teach high school students, but it is a great service initiative by the NH Bar Association,” says Attorney Miller. “I have done this for several years now, and the students always ask incredible, insightful questions.” For more information on the program go to www.nhbar.org.
Attorney Kate Miller Re-Elected as Chair of SAU 16 Joint School Board
At the meeting of the Joint SAU 16 School Board on April 30, Attorney Kate Miller, who serves on the Cooperative School Board from the Town of Exeter, was re-elected by the members of the schools boards of Exeter, Stratham, Brentwood, East Kingston, Newfields and Kensington to serve another term as Chair. This is Kate’s ninth year on a school board serving the Exeter area. Kate is honored to be elected: “I find serving on the school board and guiding the Joint Board representing the six Towns in our SAU to be an incredibly gratifying way to give back to my community. We are creating a future for our communities by creating effective schools. Nothing could be more important.”
DTC Sponsors Workforce Housing Forum
DTC is pleased to join with the NH Housing Finance Agency and Rockingham and Strafford Planning Commissions in sponsoring the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast presentation of an interactive forum on:
May 8, 2012 – 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Exeter Town Offices, Nowak Room, 10 Front Street, Exeter
DTC has a long history of working on behalf of municipalities and developers in addressing the need to provide a range of housing opportunities, especially in the Seacoast Region where housing costs remain high despite the recession. The Forum will use a role playing format for a planning board case study of a project application. It will explore, in a practical way, the implementation and application of the Workforce Housing Legislation (RSA 674:58-61) and will be valuable for developers, land owners, local government officials and land use staff, as well as interested citizens. For more information or to register for the program visit http://workforcehousingcoalition.blogspot.com/.
DTC Presents “You Want To Do What?? Where?? – Land Use Permitting in the Lakes Region”
DTC will present “You Want To Do What?? Where?? – Land Uses Permitting in the Lakes Region” on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 from 8:45-12:00 at the Meredith Community Center in Meredith, NH. Topics will include Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act, Legislative & Court Updates, including Variances, and Conservation Easements. This is a must see program for property owners and their consultants in the Lakes Region. For further information or to reserve your space, please e-mail sguy@dtclawyers.com.
DTC Participates in Memorial Run
Over 2,200 runners/walkers turned out to participate in the Chief Michael Maloney Memorial Run on Sunday, April 29, 2012, including DTC’s Nancy Cannon and Kristen Osborne.
The Greenland, NH Police Chief was killed in the line of duty while attempting to serve a warrant at the home of a suspected drug dealer.
The Run began at the Portsmouth Police Department and ended at the Greenland Police Station, spanning a total of 5.6 miles.
Many local businesses and residents donated their time and services to make this memorial run a success. Through entry fees, the run raised over $45,000.00 for the Maloney Family Trust.
To learn more about how to donate to the Maloney Family Trust, please visit www.milleniumrunning.com.
Attorney MacDonald Reappointed to Exeter Economic Development Commission
On April 23, 2012, Attorney Beth MacDonald, Chair of DTC’s Business Practice Group, was re-appointed to the Exeter Economic Development Commission by the Board of Selectmen. This is Beth’s second term on the Commission where she currently serves as Vice Chair and Secretary. For more information about the Commission click here.
DTC & The River House to Sponsor The Red Sox Foundation/Run to Home Base
Please join us at The River House on Wednesday, May 2 anytime from 4:00-11:00. 100% of all proceeds from the sale of beer and a portion of the proceeds from the sale of food will go to support our Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and help finance the research of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Come to The River House for a beer after work, stay for dinner and watch the game. For more information on this program go to www.homebaseprogram.org. We look forward to seeing you on May 2.