Attorney Chris Boldt will once again serve on the panel presenting the NH Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education seminar on the Revised Title Standards. This CLE program will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2012 at the NH Bar Center in Concord, NH. Since 2004, Chris has served on the State Bar’s Title Standards Subcommittee addressing the ever-evolving issues surrounding real estate titles raised by legislation and court decisions affecting liens, mortgages and various property rights. For more information and on line registration, please go to
Attorney Chris Boldt Takes to the Stage in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”
Attorney Chris Boldt will play “The Merchant, Antonio”, in Advice to the Player’s production of Shakespeare’s immortal classic The Merchant of Venice on March 22nd through 25th. Advice to the Players is a non-profit Shakespearean theater company in Sandwich, NH bringing Shakespeare’s brilliance to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. For more information and on-line ticket reservations, please go to
Attorney Mansfield Becomes Member of DTC
Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella, PLLC is pleased to announce that Douglas M. Mansfield has become a Member of the Firm. Doug came to DTC after serving as an Assistant Corporation Counsel with the City of New York and General Counsel for New York City’s Animal Control. Doug advises our business, municipal and individual clients in employment and labor matters as well as business law. Doug is a committed volunteer in New Hampshire, presently serving on several non-profit boards, including the Portsmouth Museum of Art. Doug is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire and Albany Law School of Union University.
DTC Makes Donation to Saint Vincent de Paul Community Assistance Center
DTC recently donated several pieces of office furniture to the Saint Vincent de Paul Community Assistance Center. In addition to their food bank, St. Vincent de Paul offers a number of different services to their clients ranging from counseling to emergency financial assistance to educational program assistance. DTC is proud to support Saint Vincent de Paul. For more information visit
DTC “Adopts” Two Local Families for the Holiday
As part of DTC’s continuing commitment to give back to our community, this year we have adopted two local families in need for the Christmas holiday by providing them with gifts. Working closely with the United Way of the Greater Seacoast, the firm selected two families in need with children ranging in age from 9 to 15.
This DTC tradition of adopting families for the holidays has been going on for more than a decade, and many DTC lawyers and staff enjoy participating by adding a few gifts to their shopping lists. We thank the DTC attorneys and staff for their generosity in supporting our Adoptive Families who will be grateful to have all of the gifts on their lists this year.
DTC Sponsors Road Race to Benefit New Heights
DTC is a sponsor of the annual St. Paddy’s 5-Miler, to be held March 11, 2012 at Pease in Portsmouth. The race benefits New Heights – Adventures for Teens, which provides programs and activities to Seacoast youth in order to develop the competence, character, confidence, and resiliency necessary for a healthy and successful adulthood.
Attorney Ecker Admitted to the Maine Bar
On November 22 , 2011, Attorney Jessica Ecker was sworn in as a member of the Maine Bar, taking her oath at a small ceremony in Bangor. Attorney Ecker would like to extend the services she offers in the areas of family law, probate litigation, and real estate to residents of Maine, who often work in the Portsmouth area. After attending a comprehensive two day seminar in Augusta this summer on Maine Family Law practice, Attorney Ecker is excited to share her knowledge and experience with potential new clients who reside in Maine. Please click here for more information about Attorney Ecker, or to contact her.
Attorney Chris Boldt Elected Chair of the NH Bar’s Municipal and Government Law Section
At its September meeting, members of the NH Bar Association’s Municipal and Government Law Section elected Attorney Chris Boldt to serve as its 2011-2012 Chair. Chris is responsible for leading and coordinating Section activities, including Continuing Legal Education programs, Section meetings and interactions with the Association’s Board of Govenors.
Attorneys Boldt Wins Victories Before NH Supreme Court
In the case of Brandt Development Co. of New Hampshire, LLC v. City of Somersworth, decided October 12, 2011, Attorney Chris Boldt successfully argued before the N.H. Supreme Court that the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment was required to hear and decide the merits of his client’s variance application under Fisher v. Dover analysis. The ZBA had rejected the variance application on the basis that a similar application was submitted 15 years prior. The Supreme Court held that the various changes in the Court’s interpretation of the variance standard over the last 15 years constituted a material change warranting a review of the 2009 application. On remand, the Court noted that the prior Boccia standard for unnecessary hardship would apply to the area variance issues in question.
Attorney Chris Boldt also prevailed on behalf of the City of Berlin in the tax abatement action concerning the Burgess Mill property entitled North American Dismantling Corp. v. City of Berlin, decided September 15, 2011. Attorney Boldt argued that the trial court properly affirmed the City’s valuation of the plaintiff’s property and denied the plaintiff’s tax abatement request following a multi-day bench trial. The Supreme Court agreed and decided the case based on the briefs without the need for oral argument.
NAELA Presents Attorney Riddell with Ann Butenhof Award
The New Hampshire Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) presented DTC estate planning and elder law attorney, Joy Riddell, with the Ann Butenhof Award for her significant contribution to the New Hampshire Chapter as the Program Committee Chair and Treasurer for the year 2011. NAELA is an association of lawyers with expertise in elder law who work together to improve the lives of seniors and people with special needs through advocacy and providing legal services in the areas of estate planning, guardianships, public benefits like Medicaid and long term care planning.