DTC attorneys, Justin Pasay and Beth MacDonald will be presenting “5 Easy Steps to Protect Your Business and You from Liability” on July 18, 2013 from 11:30 to 1:00 at the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Lunch & Learn Series. To register for the Lunch & Learn please e-mail Gretchen Hayes at ghayes@dtclawyers.com. For more information on our business practice group please click here. For more information on the Chamber’s Lunch & Learn Series please visit their website at www.exeterarea.org.
Category: Events
DTC Sponsors Green Mountain Wireless Open to Benefit The Jimmy Fund

Bob Derosier, Ed Young of D.B. Warlick & Co, Rob Ciandella and Chris Hilson particpate in Green Mountain Wireless Open
On June 10, Rob Ciandella, Bob Derosier and Chris Hilson participated in the 8th Annual Green Moutain Wireless Open at Lake Winnipasaukee County Club. Now an annual event, the Wireless Open was started to honor the memory of Vice President, Catherine Drouin’s father, Wallace E. Andreson, Jr. and mother, Renee Andreson. To date, Green Mountain has raised over $161,533 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute! DTC applauds Green Mountain Communications’ support of The Jimmy Fund and the money they raise to to help give cancer patients the best, most compassionate care today, while finding cures for tomorrow. DTC is proud to be a sponsor of this special event!
Jill Harrison Participates in Relay for Life of Seacoast
DTC Staffer, Jill Harrison, will participate in Relay for Life of Seacoast on Sunday, June 23, 2013 at Portsmouth High School. Relay for Life began in May 1985, when Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, ultimately raising $27,000 to help the American Cancer Society fight the nation’s biggest health concern – cancer. A year later, 340 supporters joined the overnight event. Since those first steps, the Relay For Life movement has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, raising more than $4 billion to fight cancer. If you would like to learn more about Relay for Life or to make a donation click here.
DTC Sponsors American Independence Festival
On, July 20, the American Independence Museum and the Town of Exeter will celebrate America’s Freedom at the American Independence Festival. Join the crowd escorting George Washington down Water Street, see the horseback delivery of the Declaration and listen to the public reading (complete with hecklers!), chat with historic role-players, step to the stirring music of the Lincoln Fife and Drum and delight in the maneuvers and cannon firings of militias. Visit the Traditional New Hampshire artisans’ village, view the original Dunlap Broadside (one of 26 known copies in the world) and early drafts of the U.S. Constitution and stroll Swasey Parkway and Water Street to see local arts and crafts. Enjoy plenty of food, music, sidewalk sales and children’s activities, then stay for the town’s evening fireworks and live band! DTC is a proud sponsor of the Festival. For more information on the Festival or the American Independence Museum click here.
Attorney Poulos Presents at “Dispelling the Mysteries of Real Estate Practice”
On June 4, Attorney Poulos spoke to attorneys and paralegals as part of a panel about “The Principles of Commercial Real Estate Transaction”. This seminar was sponsored by Old Republic Title Insurance Company.
Attorney Pasay Participates in Law Day at Exeter High School
On Tuesday May 14, 2013, Attorney Pasay spent the day participating in Exeter High School’s “Law Day.” He had the opportunity to speak with Junior and Senior Government students about the recent Boston Marathon bombings. Drawing on his experience as a criminal lawyer in the Navy’s JAG Corps, the discussion was focused on criminal due process and the novel challenges and decisions our country faces when prosecuting U.S. citizens for terrorism – related crimes committed on U.S. soil. It was a spirited and interesting discussion! For more on Exeter High School’s Law Day click here.
Attorney Donahue Receives “Loyal Order of the Rock” Award
On May 16, 2013, 13 DTC attorneys attended the Rockingham County Bar Association’s Annual Meeting at Foster’s Downeast Clam Bake in York, Maine. At the meeting, Attorney Mike Donahue received the “Loyal Order of the Rock” Award. The Award is given to lawyers in Rockingham County who have practiced law for 30 years or more and who have demonstrated their love of the law, honorable and lifetime dedication to his clients, litigants, community and colleagues. Congratulations, Mike!
Attorneys Chris Boldt and Sharon Somers to speak at OEP Spring Planning and Zoning Conference
Attorneys Chris Boldt and Sharon Somers have once again been asked by the NH Office of Energy and Planning to be one of its speakers for the 2013 Spring Planning and Zoning Conference scheduled for Saturday, May 11 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH. This year, Chris will speak at a double session on the basic procedures ZBA members should use in making their various decisions on variances, special exceptions, appeals of administrative decisions and waivers of dimensional criteria. Sharon will be speaking on The ZBA Decision Making Process. Chris will also participate in the Conference’s ZBA/Planning Board Role Playing training session
For more information and on-line registration, please go to http://www.nh.gov/oep/events/spring_conference/index.htm.
Attorney Boldt to Speak at NH Planners Association Spring 2013 Professional Development Workshop
Attorney Chris Boldt will be one of the speakers at the NH Planners Association Spring 2013 Professional Development Workshop. The work shop will take place on April 29, 2013 from 4-7 pm at LaBelle Winery in Amherst, NH.
This workshop will discuss variance law with an expert panel lead by Attorney Boldt. The event will feature an informative and lively discussion of NH variance law and include a tour of LaBelle Winery, wine tasting and appetizers.
For more information and to register http://www.nhplanners.org/events.htm
DTC Lawyers Attend Rockingham County Bar Association CLE and Meeting
On October 16, 2012, the Rockingham Bar Association held its Fall Social Event, preceded by a two hour CLE video replay on Ethics. This event, held at the Rusty Hammer in Portsmouth, NH, was widely attended by attorneys and Judges across the county. Also present were some members of the Seacoast Collaborative Law Group, and Former Marital Master Phil Cross, who was honored by the RCBA for his years served as a marital master in Rockingham County.
Attorneys Denise Poulos, Michael Donahue, Rob Ciandella, Christopher Hilson, Nicholas Aeschliman, Beth MacDonald, and Jessica Ecker were present for the event. This was the first event organized during Jessica’s term as President of the Rockingham County Bar Association.