In a continuing tradition of over 25 years of dedication to clients across New Hampshire, DTC is pleased to announce the opening of its newest office — in Meredith, New Hampshire. Located at 56 NH Route 25 (in the New Englander also housing Nungesser & Hill), this office will provide a central, convenient location from which all 16 of DTC’s lawyers will be able to service our existing, and growing, client base of municipalities, small businesses, land owners and individuals in the Lakes Region and North Country. Attorney Chris Boldt will be our Partner in residence at the Meredith office, while continuing to serve the Firm’s existing clients throughout the State. Chris is a member of the Firm’s Executive Committee and is very active in our Municipal, Development, Real Estate, Appellate and Environmental Law Practice Groups.
Attorney Derosier Co-Authors Chapter in “A Practical Guide to Discovery and Depositions in N.H.”
MCLE, a Massachusetts-based company that offers continuing education resources for lawyers has just released “A Practical Guide to Discovery and Depositions in New Hampshire.” DTC attorney Robert Derosier co-authored the chapter on “Discovery Practice.” Attorney Derosier is a partner at DTC with extensive discovery and litigation experience, having litigated numerous cases. You can order a copy of the Guide online at:
Food Drive to Feed the Hungry
As part of its ongoing commitment to the community, DTC is participating in the New Hampshire Women’s Bar Association Food Drive. Donations may be made at any of our offices. DTC’s participation has been coordinated by Attorney Keriann Roman who serves on the Board of the NH Women’s Bar Association and has been active in its community service events. For more information go to the NHWBA.
Attorney Kate Miller Elected Chair of SAU 16 Joint School Board
At its organizational meeting on April 18th, the members of the Joint Board for School Administrative Unit 16, comprised of the Towns of Exeter, Stratham, Brentwood, Kensington, Newfields, East Kingston and the Exeter Regional Cooperative School District, elected Kate Miller as chair of the 33-member board. Attorney Miller is in her second year representing the Town of Exeter on the “Coop” Board, after having served the Town of Exeter on its Elementary School Board for six years. Her tasks on these boards in the coming year include coordinating a comprehensive evaluation of the Superintendent and negotiating a new contract with the teachers at Exeter High School and the Cooperative Middle School. Information on SAU 16 can be found at
Attorney Miller Testifies Before Legislation Against Bill Weakening the State’s Anti-Bullying Law
DTC Associate, Kate Miller, worked to draft a successful bill which became law in 2011, dramatically reforming the NH law against bullying in schools last year. Faced with unfriendly amendments which would gut the new law, she testified before the Legislative Committees in March and again in April 2011, this time against the amendments to weaker the law. Her testimony is available at:
Mike Donahue Assists Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast Sustainability Effort
Mike Donahue recently served on the Workforce Housing Coalition (WHC) Sustainability Task Force, where, along with other Seacoast Community Leaders, he helped develop recommendations to guide the transition of WHC to a more self- sustaining model, less dependent on grant funding. Mike took an active role in the Working Group and focused on the potential of generating a revenue stream from the WHC’s existing charrette efforts. Mike also participated in Task Force meetings and a roundtable listening session with representatives of the major funders of the Greater Seacoast WHC: the United Way of the Greater Seacoast, New Hampshire Charitable Fund and the New Hampshire Housing Finance Agency.
DTC has long been a supporter of Workforce Housing efforts throughout the State, sponsoring Forums, engaging in pro bono work for the Greater Seacoast WHC and reduced fee permitting for non-profit projects, while maintaining an active practice supporting the efforts of our for profit developer clients. DTC is pleased to have represented two of the recent award winners of the Seacoast Workforce Housing Coalition builder’s category for projects completed in Exeter: New England Workforce Housing, Inc. (Nathan Szanton) and Felder Kuehl Properties, LLC (Bob Felder).
Portsmouth Public Media to Host Founders Club Event
Sharon Cuddy Somers is one of the founding Board of Directors of Portsmouth Public Media, Inc. which is hosting A Founders Club Event to be held Friday, April 8 at the 100 Club, 100 Market Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire from 5:30 to 8:00. The purpose of the event is to raise funds and showcase plans for the Meetinghouse, which will become the home of the television station. Portsmouth Public Media, Inc. is a non-profit corporation designed to establish and operate a public access channel to serve Portsmouth area cable televisions subscribers. Further information about the event and PPMtv can be found at
Attorney Chris Boldt to Speak at NHBA CLE on the Revised Real Estate Title Standards
Attorney Chris Boldt will serve on the panel presenting the NH Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education seminar on the Revised Title Standards. Chris has previously been a presenter at this CLE program which will be held Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at the NH Bar Center in Concord, NH. Since 2004, Chris has served on the State Bar’s Title Standards Subcommittee addressing the ever-evolving issues surrounding real estate titles raised by legislation and court decisions affecting liens, mortgages and various property rights. For more information and online registration, please go to
Joy Riddell appointed Program Committee Chair of NH NAELA
DTC estate planning and elder law attorney, Joy Riddell, was recently appointed Program Committee chair of the new Hampshire Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, an association of lawyers with expertise in elder law who work together to improve the lives of seniors and people with special needs through advocacy and providing legal services in the areas of estate planning, guardianships, public benefits like Medicaid, and long-term care planning.
Attorney Chris Boldt to Speak at OEP Spring Planning and Zoning Conference on ZBA Procedures
Attorney Chris Boldt has once again been asked by the NH Office of Energy and Planning to be one of its speakers for the 2011 Spring Planning and Zoning Conference scheduled for Saturday, June 11 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH. This year Chris will speak at a double session on the basic procedures Zoning Board of Adjustment members should use in making their various decisions on variances, special exceptions, appeals of administrative decisions and equitable waivers of dimensional criteria. Chris will also participate in the Conference’s plenary session entitled “Why are We Here? There’s More to Life than Checking Off the Boxes” and in the ZBA/Planning Board Role Playing training session. For more information and online registration, please go to