Photo Credit: Paul Briand
After 45 years as a lawyer, Mike Donahue has transitioned to Senior Counsel at DTC, handing over day to day responsibilities to his colleagues at the Firm. In a long planned evolution, Mike will formally retire next summer. Between now and then he will be available to assist clients in transition and as a resource for DTC lawyers and paralegals in matters where his experience will be useful for our clients. In a letter to his clients announcing the transition Mike wrote:
“This long planned transition has been well facilitated by the Firm. We have been able to develop an excellent group of experienced partners and younger attorneys, backed by an experienced and dedicated support staff, who are fully able to maintain and improve upon the high quality work which has characterized this Firm over the years. For clients, this transition should be seamless. For our attorneys who stand ready to help you, it will mean an opportunity to enhance existing client relationships. For me, it will mean more leisure time with Diane and my daughters, and an opportunity to pursue some volunteer interests and other activities.”
“It is difficult for me to fully express how much I have enjoyed working with you over these many years. I would be remiss if I did not close by conveying my appreciation to you, my clients and friends, whom I have been honored to serve. I’ve learned much more than I’ve taught. I’ve been truly fortunate to have had so many positive and interesting relationships with my clients and other dedicated professionals with whom I’ve worked. I look forward to maintaining those relationships in a different context, confident that your legal needs will continue to be met by DTC, a Firm I’ll always be proud I had a hand in creating.”
The Firm hosted a Celebration attended by many of Mike’s clients, municipal officials and land use and other professionals with whom he worked over the years, recognizing Mike’s service to his clients and contributions to DTC, which he co-founded with Charlie Tucker in 1985. In recognition of Mike and his long standing commitment to work force housing, land use planning and other community projects, the firm is proud to support the production of a film project entitled “Communities and Consequences II—Solutions for a State at Risk”. This will be a multi-platform exploration of ideas designed to ensure that New Hampshire communities continue to prosper for future generations.
The Celebration and Mike’s 45 year career was chronicled in part in an article published in the Seacoast Sunday Business Section on October 28, 2018 available at: http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/20181028/case-closed-45-year-lawyer-michael-donahue-calls-it-career
Please join all of us in wishing Mike and his wife Diane, the best in his transition and many years of a well-earned retirement ahead.